What is the VITA Program?

VITA is an IRS sponsored, free tax preparation program that is offered to low to moderate income, elderly and disabled members of the community who are not able to afford professional tax filing services. All tax preparers are trained in tax law and are required to be certified by the IRS to prepare tax returns as volunteers.



Dear Potential VITA Intern:

Please read this document in its entirety.  Consider this your first training session.  This session is designed to familiarize interns with the tax preparation software used in VITA - Taxwise. After completing the training session, you will be required to use this software to prepare eight (8) tax returns to be submitted. 

Our focus at this level of the training is geared towards ensuring that you understand how to maneuver and manipulate the tax software. At this time we are NOT concerned with whether you get correct answers.  Below you will find the necessary information to complete this training session:
Please review the video lessons 1 - 5 as much as necessary.  You should follow along using the Publication 4491W and Publication 4012. 

Please Note: The software is only compatible with PCs and will not work well with Apple Mac.  You MUST also use internet explorer since the other browsers will not work well with the software.

2011 Pub 4012

2011 Pub 4491W

Training Lessons

Lesson 1: Introduction & Overview

Lesson 2: Accessing the tax training software

Lesson 3: Entering client Information on the main information screen

Lesson 4: Adding and linking forms

Lessson 5: Inputting and modifying Form W2


Once you are done with the training, please click here for further instructions.


Information for Amending Tax Returns

This is the link to a video lesson on amending tax returns